Sunday, March 2, 2014

Meet the New Guy!

Wow... it's been four months since my last post.  Sorry about that.  To be fair, I have been a little distracted lately.
By this guy:

Is that an okay excuse?  :)

Oh, and we moved. (Yeah – again. But just across town this time, thankfully.)

Annnnd... my husband moved into the senior pastor position at our church. (Wait. Where'd that come from? That wasn't even on our radar four months ago!)

Yes, we've been pretty busy, to say the least. But, it's been good. I'll have more on that later, but now, back to the baby! 

"God’s ways are as mysterious as the pathway of the wind 
and as the manner in which a human spirit is infused into the little body of a baby 
while it is yet in its mother’s womb." 
-Ecclesiastes 11: 5 (Living Bible)

Introducing Little Mr.!  He joined our family just about four months ago, and we are so thrilled to have him! He is such a happy, easy-going guy. Mountain Girl was just a wee bit jealous and put out by being displaced as the “baby” of the family, but overall everyone has adjusted very well. Both the “big kids” are quite taken with their new baby brother. Biker Dude has been telling me what toys of his we should save for when Little Mr. gets big enough to play with them. :) We'll see how sharing he feels in a few (short) months when the little guy gets mobile and starts getting into all his stuff!

It never ceases to amaze me how much of an individual each baby is, right from the moment they are born. Their personalities are even bigger than they are! I've had so much fun getting to know each of my babies.

This little guy loves to snuggle, more so than either of my other kids. He likes to lay right up on your chest and tuck his head underneath your chin. He doesn't like to be in the least bit cold. His favorite spot to hang out is in his cradle swing, tucked up under a soft warm blanket. (As he gets bigger, he is getting less snugly and more into doing ACTION things - like rolling over and chomping on toys.)

He can't stand having a dirty diaper.

He doesn't like to cry. Instead he usually just complains – more like he's talking to you, as long as you get to him in time. It is totally adorable.

He's a happy little guy. He loves to socialize. Often he gets so distracted by smiling at me and “talking” to me that he refuses to finish his meal until he's done with his “conversation”. So. Cute.

He adores his big brother already.

He likes to be part of the action.

One thing that calms him down the quickest if he's upset is listening to music. He likes when I sing to him, too. Good thing he's not much of a critic at this point...

While he will take a pacifier, especially at night or in his car seat, he's not totally attached to it at this point. (And I'm fine with that!)

I love the way his hair gets fluffy after I wash it.

I love how his smile can brighten up even the most frustrating of days.

I love it that he looks like his daddy.

Babies are wonderful. A lot of work. But wonderful just the same. They are big miracles wrapped up in tiny little packages. And (everyone says this, but...) they do grow up way too fast. In just four short months our little guy has gone from the eat-sleep-poop routine of a brand-new newborn to being more awake and very interactive. He smiles. He “talks”. (He has entire conversations with us!) He knows us. He has his likes and dislikes. At three months old he figured out how to scoot himself along by pushing off with his legs while laying on his back. Yup, just three months old and I couldn't even lay him in the middle of our bed anymore and expect him to stay there. This boy's going places! This week he figured out how to roll from his back to his belly. Three more months will see another whole set of changes. Before we know it, he'll be washing his own laundry. (Or not. Hey, I can dream, can't I?)

We are rejoicing for a healthy, happy baby. We are so thrilled that God has blessed us with another wonderful son! 

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, 
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me 
were written in your book before one of them came to be."
-Psalm 139: 13-16 (NIV)